Well it’s definitely been an innovative few months. Virtual events have been launched by many different sectors and our team has been inundated with new ideas and requests. The big ask has been to personalise what used to be simple online event structures into those verging on the experience of a physical event. Behind the scenes, our developers have been working hard to make this happen, so we wanted to spread the word about some of the fun new ideas that dragged us away from our comfy corporate webinar formats!

We’ve certainly had a fresh new style of contributors! While Trickbox has long been a go to for corporate clients, it’s been great to see our virtual events promote interest from charities, musicians and artists too. The contributions have been varied: singing, dancing and musical performances… A particular challenge was coordinating a choir of over 200 singers worldwide, but with a little concentration and a whole lot of technical planning it turned out to be pretty spectacular!

A big thing has been the care put into welcoming guests; you may know you’re on your way to see a comedian, but there’s a difference between just watching a video and really experiencing it as an event. One new idea we’ve put into place is to use our virtual meeting rooms to facilitate a ‘drinks reception’. Some organisers go as far as to send hampers to VIP guest’s homes, but a main attraction is surely meeting your host as they do the rounds and arrive in your small group meeting room to say hello!

To complement this personal touch, we’ve seen people spending more and more time personalising our platform to encourage involvement. Whether that’s enabling each guest to choose their own language for the stream, or to design their own agenda from the main events. Giving people more chances for interaction never fails to boost engagement. A fundraising widget has also been really helpful to charities as it simplifies the process for any generous donors.

Once your live event does begin and everyone has settled down to watch, the Trickbox staples come into play. Whatever creative ideas surround your event, it’s the quality of your streaming production that will leave the lasting impression. Our team is meticulous about maintaining high quality throughout and the engineer is often the saving grace… ask anyone who has tried their hand at DIY event streaming over lockdown!

Finally, the aftermath. It’s been fantastic to see the buzz on social media after these entertainment events! Organisers have been arranging virtual after parties in similar styles to the drinks receptions and this has been a great way to share post-event information. As well as pulling people together to discuss the event and allow final rounds of donations, talk of other upcoming events gives people something to invite their friends and followers to straight after. Just make sure you invite Trickbox to help you host!

Presenting to audiences, or hosting your meetings can seem an uncomfortable memory. Cramming into a booked room for exactly 54 minutes of powerpoint and conversation before the next queue of colleagues are peering through the door, hot coffees balanced on laptop lids and hot phones held in tight grips. But now that we’re forced into remote working, it’s even more important to share and communicate; this means video conferencing and home broadcasts! Thankfully, we can use the technology in our homes, and we can even avoid the space/time limits of the real-world.

At first consideration, video-calling is a stressful necessity of remote working, but with a little advice, and some familiarisation, it can be a fantastic tool to engage with your colleagues or audience. Unsurprisingly, the average tech company client is not a tech expert, so after a few questions and calming a few nerves, the Trickbox team, in collaboration with video production company Proudfoot, decided to come up with some comprehensive advice. 

Follow the steps below to support you in setting up a professional video call;


  • * Neutral, solid-colours are best, avoid black, white and striped clothing
  • * Wear your ‘normal’ work clothes. Dress appropriately for your business, brand or message.
  • * Be aware of your behaviour. Even if you’re not watching your own video feed, other people will be.

Your Space

  • * To achieve the best lighting, always face a light source, such as a window, do not have one behind you.
  • * Be aware of the surroundings behind you, ensure your environment is clean and presentable.
  • * Choose a quiet location with no background noise.
  • * Have tea or water close by in case you find yourself getting thirsty in the middle of the conversation.




Your Camera

  • * When using a phone or laptop, make sure it is fully charged.
  • * Ensure your camera is head-on and at your eye-level. If necessary prop it up on books.
    • * Avoid shaky footage by making sure your computer or device is on a stable desk/book pile.

Your Connection

  • * We strongly advise that you test your connection before the call. Go to your video call provider homesite and follow the links to test video and audio quality.
  • * When possible, establish your video conferencing connection several minutes before the meeting start time.
  • * Earbuds or headphones are preferable to avoid audio feedback and echo.

Sophisticated solution allows businesses in any sector to significantly increase audience engagement using cutting-edge video and audio applications.

Trickbox TV, a leading supplier of equipment and services for studio and location multi-camera productions for broadcast, video production, webcasting and live events, has announced the launch of its live streaming webcasting platform. A managed hybrid event service, the platform provides professional live streaming of high-quality panel discussions from Trickbox TV’s central London HD TV Studios, or from a venue of the client’s choice. 

The platform allows users of the platform to include both online pre-registered participants and a live studio audience from the business community. The panel of industry experts discuss key issues moderated by a professional broadcast presenter or presenter chosen by the client, who maintains a fast paced and engaging conversation – akin to a talk show – between both the panellists and the audience who watch and participate via their mobile or desktop.  

Participants use Trickbox’s sophisticated video and audio applications to vote in polls, submit questions and interact via social media channels. As well as delivering a lively interactive debate with broadcast quality streaming, the company hosting the session also captures advanced data analytics and programmatic and rich media advertising. 

“We’re really excited to announce this new development,” says Liam Laminman, Managing Director, Trickbox TV. “Our platform enables businesses in any sector to turn viewers into participants, creating high-levels of audience engagement. This new format represents an exciting growth area for companies that operate across many different sectors including banking, insurance, and technology, where they can attract strong sponsorship revenues.”