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TV2 Vote Trickbox for UK Elections Coverage

When planning their coverage of the UK General Election 2019, TV2 Denmark chose Trickbox TV to provide facilities and connectivity for both studio facilities and outside broadcast facilities. In its unique position, Trickbox’s broadcast studio offers views over the City of London, Tower Bridge and City Hall, recognisable even to its overseas audience in Denmark. This was taken even further with the provision of OB facilities located directly next to Tower Bridge, offering viewers a real impression of ‘on the ground in London’.
Studio facilities included production space for the Danish production team, plus makeup rooms for the talent they brought with them. Trickbox provided a dedicated IP link back to TV2’s Denmark MCR, transmitting all individual camera signals, mics, and comms, so that the production could be remotely produced in Denmark. Further connectivity included a point-to-point IP link between the studio and the OB at Tower Bridge.
Despite the politics and grey weather, the broadcast went without a hitch. TV2’s Production Manager and International Coordinator Charlotte Lech-Gade, commented: “everything was perfect”. Trickbox look forward to hosting similar broadcasts for international guests in the future. This could come very soon if the UK’s political scene continues to change so quickly; We might not be able to control Brexit, but we’ll definitely be able to broadcast it. Stay tuned.

 "Everything was perfect"

Charlotte Lech-Gade, TV2 Production Manager and International Coordinator