Case Studies
Doctors Discuss COVID-19 via Trickbox Virtual Event
Under the threat of the recent pandemic, businesses have been forced to adapt their operations to work entirely remotely. As a facilities company, Trickbox TV responded to this new requirement by expanding their streaming service to host ‘Virtual Events’. Providing an end-to-end live solution, including graphics, slides, video playback and live video of remote feeds of contributors, Trickbox creates an easy solution for presentations and discussion.
Medical Conferencing Provider Reachora used this service in a novel way last week, linking up doctors in Boston and Belfast with the Trickbox remote production solution. The topic of discussion: COVID-19. Slideshows laden with stats and research were intercut with live video feeds streamed directly from hospitals as the doctors spoke. The benefit of this Virtual Events service is the external management of all assets, so that engagement doesn’t rely on people in non-tech jobs for adequate tech competence.
With dressmakers sewing scrubs, 3D-printers repurposed for masks, and veterans marching for funds, the UK has had a collective effort applying our different skills in support of doctors. The Trickbox team were very proud that they could help in their own way, offering their Virtual Event facilities. We’re relying on sharing and cooperation to lift us from this pandemic, so Trickbox hopes to facilitate many more events of this type in future. Let’s get to work!