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Sony HDVF-EL75 7.4-inch OLED Viewfinder

The 7.4-inch Sony HDVF-EL75 Viewfinder delivers strikingly high contrast, wide dynamic range, and a fast response time thanks to the use of revolutionary Organic Light Emitting Diode (OLED) display technology. 

High Definition acquisition requires extremely precise focusing, so OLED image quality delivers significant benefits by allowing the operator to accurately see contrast and colour levels when framing a shot. A wide viewing angle aids operator comfort while an extremely fast response time is particularly useful for applications such as sports coverage.
In addition, the Sony HDVF-EL75 is packed with a wide range of sophisticated, user-friendly features such as Focus Assist, four assignable switches and a position-adjustment mechanism with unprecedented flexibility.

The viewfinder comes supplied with an indoor hood.

Day rate: £75.00

Week rate: £225.00

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