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Biting the Ballot of the EU Referendum

Trickbox TV helps provide a platform for young people to get involved. 

As over 75% of young people voted differently from the majority in the EU referendum, we can appreciate the importance of getting young people and their varied and fresh ideas involved in politics. Many argue the increasing struggle to get youths involved is reflective both of lack of political education in the secondary syllabus as well as simply because many feel that no political party really represents them as a young person. 

Back in April 2010 a selection of London teachers recognised this and formed Bite the Ballot; a party-neutral initiative aimed at empowering young people to get involved in UK democracy, by registering to vote and realise the potential of their voice. 

Bite the Ballot rallied young people to get involved in the lead up to the EU referendum, hosting #InOutLive, a live stream on Facebook which as a platform has 53% user base between ages 13-34. Trickbox TV provided full studio hire and broadcast technical services including technical facilities and technical crew at its iconic Tower Bridge TV Studios for the event that was streamed live throughout the day.

The Trickbox TV studio also houses a new 5m x 2m interactive video wall with multiple interactive touchscreen capabilities, which provided an essential feature within the production. With three live streams throughout the day, the live audience could interact with the video wall and the presenters could display figures and reactions across the debate.

The youth led project, Bite the Ballot attempts to rebrand politics and prove that young people do care about improving democracy, and has partaken in a multitude of engagement projects since its formation. In collaboration with a host of other initiatives such as UpRise, Reprezent Radio, Spirit of London Awards and The Media Trust, the group has hosted voter registration rallies, research projects and live Q&A sessions on various social media platforms with MPs such as the many of the main party leaders from the UK house of commons. 

Trickbox TV worked with the Bite the Ballot team to deliver on all the technical requirements, including live graphics and VT play ins and audience monitoring and interaction.

You can watch one of the live streams from the EU Referendum on Facebook here:

"Trickbox TV provided full studio hire and broadcast technical services including technical facilities and technical crew at its iconic Tower Bridge TV Studios"